The Slip Cast
The Slip Cast
Dustin Barzell from Ceramicism
Dustin Barzell from Ceramicism creates intricate cups using a colored clay inlay technique. Inspired by the polymer clay craze of the 90s, he started layering slab-rolled clay at a community studio in Brooklyn before discovering the wonderful world of nerikomi and agateware.
Dustin shares with us his process of mixing colored clay and how he constantly comes up with fresh designs to add to his ever-expanding repertoire of inlaid patterns. We also take a dive into the connection between our emotional and physical being through creative outlets, ceramics as a healing journey vs. the intellectual pursuit of being a part-time lawyer, and how improv-based acting (Meisner Technique) restored his artistic framework and influenced his improvised and joy-filled ceramic compositions.
Meanderings include discussions about the deliciously rounded letters in "ice cream", chapped lips, newsletter bliss, a wide variety of (unsponsored) platforms that can help you run a business, the irony behind ceramicism.football, and how smiling while you talk can change everything.
A thousand flowers,
Aimee & Clare
Our theme music is by Nick Thompson-Brown at @wayitworksmusic
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