The Slip Cast
The Slip Cast
Genna Williams from Genna Williams Ceramics
This episode features the ceramicist Genna Williams from Genna Williams Ceramics. We talk about her beginnings at SCAD where she studied furniture design, how she founded Broad Studios, a female-operated art collective in Austin, TX, and finding a balance between running a community studio and her own full-time business.
Genna goes over the process behind the "smoke firing" technique that she is now known for, how she designs and assembles her lamps, and some exciting upcoming projects, including the launch of a brick and mortar store!
Deviations include getting in trouble with the French fire department during her 10-week residency in the south of France, the anatomy of a lamp, ideas seeking "hosts", NCECA, and of course...more talk about promoting a small business on social media.
Burn bright,
Aimee & Clare
Our theme music is by Nick Thompson-Brown at @wayitworksmusic
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